Cranio-sacral therapy (Craniosacral Therapy, CST) in paediatrics is gaining popularity as a a form of child health support. What exactly is this method? What is the course of the therapy and in which situations is it advisable to apply for it? In this article you will find answers to the most common questions relating to craniosacral therapy.
What is craniosacral therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy, also known as CranioSacral Therapy (CST), is a branch of osteopathy that is based on anatomy and physiology. It is a gentle a form of manual therapy, which aims to reduce tension, improve wellbeing and support the health of the whole body.
The basis of the therapy is to work with the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid, which affects all cells in the body. CST helps to normalise this rhythm by gently mobilising the bones of the skull, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole body. This therapy reduces soft tissue tension, supports the immune system and can increase resistance to infection.
Is craniosacral therapy safe for infants?
Yes, craniosacral therapy is recognised as a safe method, provided it is carried out qualified child therapist. It can even be applied to newborn babies by experienced physiotherapists and osteopaths. The gentleness of the techniques used in this therapy makes it particularly recommended for the youngest patients.
Indications for craniosacral therapy in infants
Craniosacral therapy can help with:
- birth complications,
- forceps or vacum delivery,
- caesarean section,
- increased or reduced muscular tension in infants,
- asymmetry of the head or trunk,
- collec,
- clogged tear ducts,
- head deformities,
- suction problems,
- restless sleep or difficulty falling asleep.
Indications for craniosacral therapy in older children
Craniosacral therapy can also be used with older children who struggle with:
- restless sleep, bedwetting, habitual constipation.
- concentration problems,
- nerve tics,
- hypersensitivity or hyperactivity,
- speech defects,
- gnashing of teeth,
- autism spectrum,
- anxiety, headaches,
Contraindications to craniosacral therapy
Although CST is a safe method, there are situations in which it should not be used. These include:
- intracranial bleeding,
- concussion, cerebral oedema,
- brain tumours, aneurysms,
- a history of stroke,
- active meningitis,
- cranial injuries,
- high fever.
Craniosacral therapy and head asymmetry in infants
One of the most common uses of the CST is for treatment of head asymmetry in infants. The mobility and symmetry of the cranial sutures are crucial for proper brain development. Craniosacral therapy in combination with methods of NDT Bobath or Vojta produces particularly good results.
Is a baby's head plastic? Yes! An infant's skull is extremely flexible, which allows it to be moulded during the first years of life. With cranio-sacral therapy, asymmetries can be effectively corrected and the development of the child can be supported. It is worth knowing that during the first year of life, a child's brain enlarges threefold, making this a crucial time for its development.
How does craniosacral therapy support child development?
CST can be effective in many areas such as:
- Development issues - supports the child's neurological development.
- Sleep disorders - helps with sleeping difficulties or night wakings.
- Colic and digestive complaints - Many parents notice an improvement in their colicky children.
- Perinatal complications - alleviates the effects of difficult births.
- Behavioural problems - supports children with emotional difficulties.
Why choose Kids Medic?
W Kids Medic is staffed by qualified therapists with experience working with babies and children. Our team will help to assess whether cranio-sacral therapy will be suitable for your child. In combination with classical physiotherapy methods such as NDT Bobath or the Vojta method, CST can produce visible results in improving your child's muscle tone and motor capabilities.
Not sure if craniosacral therapy is the right choice? Contact us - We will be happy to answer your questions and clear up any doubts.