when the baby starts to crawl

Baby crawling prepares them for crawling, sitting and walking. It is an important stage in development and a milestone for the parent. As a mum of two children, I can say that crawling in a way ends the period when you can have a coffee in relative peace. When the baby starts to crawl a new era for parents begins - the struggle for survival and the fight to prevent our treasure from hurting itself. Because very soon you will find that your child will stubbornly and maniacally crawl everywhere where he or she should not. The greater the danger we adults see, the more attractive the target for the child.

What is infant crawling?

As infant physiotherapist I will explain to you creep as an alternating movement of the upper and lower limbs while the baby's abdomen slides on the ground. The right arm and left leg go forward, followed by the left arm and right leg. The child's hands support themselves on their elbows, the legs bend alternately during the crawl and the child transfers weight from one side to the other, pushing off the ground with the foot, specifically the big toe. 

If you ask a paediatric physiotherapist to assess your baby's crawling, you will see that every detail of this movement is of great importance for your child's future. An experienced therapist only needs a moment's crawling to know whether your child will in future have a scoliosis problems, flat feet, other postural defects or learning difficulties.

When the baby starts to crawl

Does every child need to crawl?

No. Some children skip this stage of development if, instead of crawling, there are pivots in a childand then crawling straight away, there is usually no cause for concern.

When does a baby start crawling?

This is when there is a desire to achieve a specific goal that is not within reach. This is most often between 6 and 8 months of age. In addition to the motivation that starts the crawling process, there must also be physical readiness to turn the desire into action.

When the baby starts to crawl

In order for a baby to crawl in the correct way it must have;

  • good head control,
  • symmetry
  • a stable shoulder girdle 
  • stable trunk
  • correct support and upright mechanisms
  • ability to transfer weight from left to right and vice versa,
  • trunk rotation 
  • separation of shoulder and hip work,
  • ability to control the pelvis
  • ability to push off the ground with the toe of the foot

! None of these skills can be achieved if the child does not spend enough time lying on his or her stomach on a mat on the floor.

Is my baby crawling properly?

The baby's crawling should be manifested by alternate movementsThere may be times when your child seals. "Sealing" involves simultaneously stretching your arms out in front of you and "pulling up" on your elbows. This is followed by stretching the arms out in front of the body and again pulling up on the elbows and moving forwards.  Sealing is a natural stage of development and is absolutely not a cause for concern. Some children, skip this stage and that is ok too.

There are children who creep symmetrically. Parents sometimes say that their child crawls 'on wounded soldier'. They push off with only one leg, always with the same leg, and the other leg is completely inactive, stiff or makes only minimal movement. It is also possible to observe a situation where the child pushes off the ground with only one leg and one hand. Then only one half of the body is involved in the movement. Asymmetric creep It is best to consult fpaediatric isiotherapist. An experienced specialist will assess whether your child also presents asymmetry in other activities. Thus, whether his/her normal development is at risk in the future.

Does creep have to be symmetrical?

It doesn't have to, but we physiotherapists care very much about it. We know how much of an impact this has on a child's further development. Moments when the baby starts to crawl require a great deal of motivation and effort from children. The first movements are chaotic, sometimes asymmetrical and irregular. Over time, crawling should become symmetrical, regular, fast, smooth and alternating. 

The cooperation of both hemispheres is extremely important for the further development of the child, both mentally and physically. If one-sided movement is observed in a child, it is advisable to have the child looked at paediatric physiotherapist Ndt Bobabt or Vojta to assess traffic quality. At asymmetric creep Children who presented with asymmetry at earlier stages of development are particularly at risk.

What happens if our child crawls incorrectly? Sensory integration disorders, balance disorders, dyslexia, dysgraphia, motor coordination problems are just some of the problems that can arise if we do not respond to a child's lack of alternation of movement.

How is crawling different from crawling? 

We speak of crawling when the baby's belly scrubs the floor, supports itself on the forearms and the medial part of the knee. Crawling, on the other hand, is when the abdomen does not touch the floor and the baby moves on the hands and the middle part of the knees. 

Breast cravings i.e. reflex crawling. When, shortly after birth, the baby lies on the mother's chest and, with a "worm" movement similar to crawling, moves to her breast. These are the first crawling movements that can be observed in a baby. This is of course automatic crawling and not conscious as in older babies. 

Why does a child need the ability to crawl?

Crawling prepares the child for crawling, sitting and walking. It ensures correct muscle work throughout the trunk and, most importantly, perfects in the child the dissociation between the pelvis and the shoulder girdle. It has a very strong influence on rotation in the spine and correct body coordination in the future.

When the baby starts to crawl

Can parents facilitate their child's achievement of crawling skills?

Of course, all you have to do is create the right conditions for it, viz:

  • a lot of time on the floor. It will work best foam mat. It is not slippery and is soft and safe. The hard surface will make crawling easier;
  • lots of play in the stomach position;
  • bare forearms (short-sleeved bodysuit or rolled-up long sleeves) will make it easier for the child to push off;
  • don't put all the toys your child is trying to reach under his nose. Even if you see anger or frustration give him the chance to try to reach them himself.

When your baby starts crawling - give him space

Sometimes when parents ask how they can practise with their child to help them crawl I say that .... they don't have to do anything 🙂 Just don't get in the way. Children are smart, ambitious and know exactly what they want. They pursue the goal they have set for themselves with great commitment and doggedness. For some it will take less time, and for others more, but each healthy child has within it the desire to move.

Once he starts crawling, he will be happy that he has succeeded. And you, parents, say goodbye to the calm you've had so far, get ready to put safeguards on cabinets and on sharp edges, hide dangerous objects and proudly watch the next stage in your child's development. You don't have much time because it's going to last a long time, soon there will be foursquare and walking but that's another story altogether.

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