Colic in infants

Infantile colic is a problem that keeps parents and toddlers alike awake at night. The baby suffers, cries, stretches, bends, stiffens and sometimes even turns blue from crying. And you... don't know how to help him. You carry him, cuddle him, massage his tummy, wonder what else you can do, and often cry along with him out of helplessness. Does it have to be like this? Surely there is nothing you can do to relieve your baby's suffering?

If you are concerned about your baby's health, we have good news for you - although digestive disorders in babies can be due to a variety of factors, it is very common to infantile colic can be effectively mitigated or even completely eliminated by osteopathic therapy.

What is infantile colic?

Infantile colic is an ailment that occurs in the first months of a baby's life, usually between 3 weeks and 5 months. However, it can occur earlier and last longer. Its cause is the immaturity of the digestive tract, so that digestive processes do not take place properly. Excessive gas builds up in the baby's intestines, causing painful flatulence.

Colic in infants

How do you recognise colic in infants?

The characteristic symptoms of colic are:

– persistent, prolonged crying (lasting at least 3 hours a day, a minimum of 3 times a week, for more than 3 weeks)

- irritability

- restless sleep

- bloated and painful tummy

- whole body flexing

Symptoms of colic in infants usually occur periodically, in the afternoon and evening. Colic usually goes away on its own around the age of 5 months, but you can help your baby much earlier. The following will help paediatric osteopath.

Causes of colic in children

Unambiguous cause of infantile colic has not yet been determined, but their occurrence may be influenced by:

  • Immaturity of the digestive system - Breast milk or modified milk can cause intestinal spasms.
  • Disturbed intestinal microflora - The microbiome plays a key role in digestion, vitamin production and protection against infection.
  • Food intolerance - An allergy to cow's milk protein or lactose intolerance can cause painful intestinal cramps and bloating.
  • Incorrect feeding method - Eating greedily can lead to swallowing air, which causes flatulence.
  • Response to external stimuli - stress in the mother can affect the baby's reactions, so it is worth keeping calm.

Does every baby have colic?

No! Colic is estimated to affect 10% to 40% infants. Although they do not pose a health risk, they can significantly affect the comfort of the whole family.

How to treat colic?

There is no one-size-fits-all method that will work for every child, but you can take some effective steps:

  1. Consult your paediatricianthat you trust.
  2. Watch your baby, test different ways and find the ones that bring relief.
  3. Trust your parental instinct - every child is different.
  4. Belly massage - e.g. Shantala massagewhich relaxes and builds a bond.
  5. Positioning the baby on his tummy - helps release gases.
  6. Carrying the baby in appropriate positions - e.g. "on the sloth" on the forearm.
  7. Bending the legs towards the tummy - helps with bowel function.
  8. Consultation with a paediatric osteopath - can bring immediate relief.
Colic in infants

Osteopathy and colic

Paediatric osteopathy is an effective method of dealing with colic. Gentle palpation techniques help to regulate the digestive system, improving the quality of sleep for the little one (and the parents!). The osteopath restores balance to the musculoskeletal, circulatory, immune, digestive and nervous systems, allowing the body to function harmoniously.

The most important thing is to stay calm during colic attacks. I know it's difficult - I remember my heart breaking when my daughter was crying and screaming like crazy and I couldn't help her. I would hug her with all my strength and cry with her.

Colic in infants

Although trying to soothe a baby suffering from colic can sometimes feel like an exorcism, remember, dear parents, that the most important thing is that you are there for your baby and want to help. Sometimes there is nothing else you can do, so try to calm your breathing, speak to your baby in a calm voice and rock him or her so that he or she feels your peace. Perhaps the beating of your heart will have a soothing effect?

One thing is certain - your nerves will not help you.

Kids Medic We take a holistic approach to your child's health. Our specialists check infant development and, if necessary, consult the case with a neurologist, paediatric dietician, paediatric physiotherapist or psychologist.

Consult a paediatric osteopath if your little one is restless, cries frequently and flexes his body. You will provide him with relief and the whole family with peace of mind and enjoyment of moments together!

Anna Bernaś

Anna Bernaś 

Owner of Kids Medic

Paediatric physiotherapist

Mum of two girls who had colic

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