Concentration in children

Some children have learning difficulties, concentration of attention on one task for a long time and with sitting out lessons. Teachers often perceive this as uncooperative or 'naughty' behaviour, and parents try to find the cause of the problem, although they do not always know how to help. Children, on the other hand, notice their difficulties but cannot understand or explain them to adults. They often hear that they are lazy, that they don't care, which affects their self-esteem and motivation. The result is stress, frustration and, in extreme cases, even a lowering of mood. Learning problems can also impinge on relationships with peers and family. W

Sound familiar? If so, read what it entails concentration problems in children and how to deal with it. It is a common cause of school difficulties, but fortunately there are effective ways to address it. An experienced special educator can support children in developing this key skill.

Concentration in children

What is concentration?

Concentration is the ability to focus attention on one task for a set period of time. It is essential both in everyday life and in the learning process.

Concentration in children develops gradually and its formation is of great importance for intellectual, emotional and social development.

Why is concentration so important?

Good concentration enables children to learn, solve problems and complete tasks effectively. It enables them to remember information more easily, develop logical thinking and cope with situations that require creativity. In addition, concentration influences daily routines - it helps them organise their space, carry out household tasks and social skills training children .

How does concentration develop in children?

The ability to focus attention develops gradually and depends on the maturation of the brain and the child's experiences. During the first years of life, children learn to focus on objects and people around them, although their attention span is short and they are easily distracted.

There are factors that can support the development of concentration, as well as those that can undermine it. One debilitating factor is overexposure to screens. Children learn best through real-life experiences, so it is worth introducing electronics gradually and in controlled amounts. Learning to concentrate in children takes time.

Expected concentration time depending on age:

Child age and concentration time:

  • 2-4 years | 5-15 minutes
  • 5-7 years | 15-25 minutes
  • 8-10 years | 25-35 minutes
  • 11-13 years | 35-45 minutes
  • 14-16 years | 45-55 minutes
Concentration in children
Concentration in children

Factors influencing children's lack of concentration

Many factors can cause children's attention difficulties. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Excessive stimulusthat - noise, television, telephone or computer can make it difficult to concentrate.
  • Lack of sleep - insufficient rest impairs cognitive abilities.
  • Stress - Emotional tension related to school or home can impair the ability to focus.
  • Diet and physical activity - Proper nutrition and exercise support brain function.
  • Individual predisposition - some children naturally need more support in developing their concentration skills.

What are the symptoms of concentration disorders?

  • Inattention to detail, making mistakes through absentmindedness.
  • Difficulty focusing on a single task for an extended period of time.
  • Giving the impression that the child "does not listen".
  • Postponing or not completing tasks.
  • Aversion to activities requiring intellectual effort.
  • Losing things needed for learning.
  • Easy distraction.
  • Problems remembering daily routines.
  • Learning difficulties and reluctance to take on new challenges.

In today's dynamic world, the ability to concentrate and social competence are invaluable. A growing body of research indicates a correlation between these two aspects. This leads to combining concentration training with social skills training. How does it work and what benefits does this integration bring? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Concentration and Social Skills Training

Concentration affects not only learning, but also social interaction. ChildrenThose who are able to concentrate are better able to interpret non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and gestures, which helps them build deeper relationships. By concentrating, they can become more involved in conversations and listen effectively to others. This supports the development of empathy and social competence.

By learning to concentrate, the child becomes less reactive. Focused individuals have more control over their reactions, which helps to avoid impulsive responses to stressful stimuli. This enables thoughtful and balanced responses. As a result, children build their social competence better.

Combining concentration training with social skills training (TUS) is a key element in a child's development. This holistic approach brings benefits in the form of better interpersonal relationships, more effective communication and better control of emotions. Through a variety of methods, such as mindfulness, active listening or concentration exercises, it is possible to develop both these important aspects simultaneously.

Concentration in children

How to support concentration in children?

  • Reducing distractions - creating a quiet space for learning.
  • Regular daily rhythm - fixed times for sleep, meals and study.
  • Balanced diet - rich in nutrients to support brain function.
  • Concentration exercises - puzzle games, mindfulness, games requiring concentration.
  • Physical activity - sport helps regulate emotions and improves the ability to concentrate.

Don't wait - act!

If you see that your child is struggling to learn despite his or her efforts, it is worth seeking appropriate support methods. Concentration training in a well-chosen group TUS can bring great results. Learning doesn't have to be a nightmare - it can be effective and fun!

Ewelina Romanowska
special educator
TUS trainer

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