Victoria Socha

Hi, my name is Victoria Socha

Hi, my name is Wiktoria Socha I am a special educator, an early childhood development teacher, as well as an early childhood education teacher, a therapist for Sensory Integration and Social Skills Training
Victoria Socha

About me:

I have experience working with children on the autism spectrum, with Asperger's syndrome, but also with motor and intellectual disabilities. I have been working in educational institutions for three years, as a co-educational teacher and as a special educator. 

I always take an individual approach to each child, I try to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the child and on this basis choose the correct methods and forms of work. I am a certified Sensory Integration therapist, as well as a master's degree in special pedagogy from the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education with a specialization in early childhood development support, preschool and early school education and education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities. During therapy I focus on the holistic development of the child's functioning in all spheres: social, emotional, cognitive, self-care, as well as small and large motor skills. I am in my 4th year of studies in clinical psychology. 

Privately, I love travelling, spending time at the gym and walking my dog.

Who does he work with?

  • With children from 2 years


  • SI - Sensory Integration 
  • Working with children on the autism spectrum, Down's syndrome, with aphasia
  • Pedagogical therapy
  • Early childhood support
  • TUS - Social Skills Training 
  • Education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities
  • Elements of behavioural therapy 
  • Working with a child with food selectivity

What difficulties to report to Victoria:

  • Sensory integration disorders
  • School difficulties
  • Problems with learning to write, read 
  • Social and emotional skills
  • Problems with group work, aggressive behaviour


  • Postgraduate studies in sensory integration
  • TUS - Social Skills Training
  • Eating therapy
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Other certificates and courses to enhance knowledge and skills

What services can be used?

  • SI - Sensory Integration
  • Pedagogical therapy
  • TUS - Social Skills Training (group classes)
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