Habitual constipation

Habitual constipation in children is a subject that every parent who has faced it knows all too well. The first encounter with the problem is often associated with emotions and a sense of helplessness. The realisation that seeking specialist help is a step towards the child's psychological well-being is an important breakthrough in parental awareness.

habitual constipation in children

What is behind habitual constipation?

There is no universal remedy for habitual constipationbecause each case requires an individual approach and an understanding of the causes. It is worth seeking them out, because if we follow the path of one-size-fits-all advice and guidance, the trouble can get worse.

What could be the causes of habitual constipation?

  • Traumatic experience of defecation - an emergency situation where the child is put under pressure that he/she has to settle, threatening, forcing a bowel movement, shouting, blackmailing, etc.
  • Experience bowel movements during which pain was felt. Do not allow a child to eat a large amount of chocolate throughout the day without also consuming water to drink and a daily portion of fruit and vegetables.
  • Tense situation around defecation - constant urging, controlling the amount of stools passed, etc.
  • Tense situation at home, family
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Traumatic life event
  • Too much control of the child in various areas by caregivers

First step - consultation with a specialist

Each case of habitual constipation It is worth consulting an expert. The longer the problem lasts, the greater the trauma can be for the child, limiting their daily functioning and affecting their self-esteem.

Constipation in children

How to help a child with constipation?

  • Medical Basics: Carrying out tests to rule out other diseases is the first step. It is worth starting with a visit to the paediatrician.
  • Diet for Health: Balanced dietrich in fibre and adequate hydration are the key to relieving constipation. Attention should be paid to regularity of meals and avoiding foods that may exacerbate the problem.

The role of parents in the treatment process

The parents' approach has crucial for proper bowel movements of children. It is important to avoid focusing unnecessarily on the problem and introducing additional emotions. The subject of defecation should be treated as something natural, without undue scrutiny or stress.

Constipation in children
causes of constipation in children

The road to health

Habitual constipation is a challenge, but by working with experts, the right diet and emotional support from parents, effective solutions can be found. Remember, your child's health starts with understanding and working together. W Kids Medic in Warsaw we offer psychological consultations, which can be effective in solving the problem in relation to habitual constipation in children. For more information, please call 888 274 422.

Kamila Sobczak-Grzybowska


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