Anna Bernaś
Anna Bernaś

Hi, my name is Anna Bernaś

I am a master of physiotherapy after the AWF in Warsaw. I have been specialising in neurological rehabilitation of children and infants for over 12 years. Every little one I can help is a huge success for me, a joy and a motivation for further activities.
Anna Bernaś
Anna Bernaś
Rehabilitation of children and babies
3-Planar Foot Therapy
Hand therapy
Prechtel diagnostics
Vision therapy.
Kinesiology taping
Alternative communication
Neurotactic therapy
Sensory integration
Posture defect therapy

About Annie

She is a certified NDT Bobath and Vojta method therapist as well as a Diagnostician and Sensory Integration Therapist. She built her professional experience working in many therapeutic centres in Warsaw, including the first Early Intervention Centre in Poland on Pilicka Street. She adheres to the principle of a holistic approach to child rehabilitation and encourages parents to actively participate in the entire therapy process until the goal is achieved. She is constantly improving her qualifications, at work she combines therapeutic methods and selects them individually for each patient.

Mum of two toddlers - Nadia and Natalia. She tries to spend her free time actively showing her children that sport means health.

She loves travel, Scandinavian crime fiction and chocolate.


  • NDT Bobath physiotherapy,
  • physiotherapy using the Vojta method,
  • Si - sensory integration - diagnosis,
  • diagnosis using the Prechtel method,
  • tri-plane foot therapy.


Ania works with children aged 0-3.

How Anna works

What difficulties to report to Annie:

  • difficulties in regulating muscle tone,
  • Head and trunk asymmetry,
  • neurological disorders,
  • genetic defects,
  • metabolic diseases,
  • central nervous system defects,
  • prematurity,
  • delayed motor development,
  • torticollis,
  • brachial plexus injury,


  • NDT Bobath,
  • NDT Bobath Baby,
  • Sensory Integration Level I and II course,
  • Multidimensional manual foot therapy,
  • Prechtl Diagnostics - Assessment of Global Movement Patterns in Infants,
  • Kinesiology taping,
  • Developmental kinesiology according to Vojta in infants,
  • Asymmetry in infants,
  • The child with increased muscle tone in therapy,
  • Child development - motor ontogeny and reflexes in the first year of life,
  • Neurodevelopmental improvement of children in selected clinical entities: torticollis, brachial plexus injury, meningo-spinal hernia,
  • Gait learning in children with MPD,
  • Asymmetry in children and infants - differentiating between asymmetry of neurological origin and positional asymmetry - theory and practice.

What services can you use?

  • single consultation,
  • visit package,
  • diagnostics,
  • infant care instruction,
  • NDT Bobath/Vojta rehabilitation,
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