What does postural defect therapy involve?
The most important thing in the therapy of posture defects is to adapt the corrective exercises to the patient. It is also important to strengthen the muscles of the backbone, abdomen, legs, shoulder and hip girdle. Stretching contracted muscles and improving the children's general fitness and performance is also an important part of posture defect therapy. It is important to remember that postural defects can cause illness in adulthood. Early rehabilitation in young patients is very important because the end of bone growth will make correction impossible.
When you need treatment of postural defects?
- scoliosis
- Scheuermann's disease
- back round, flat, concave
- feet: flat-footed, flat-footed, valgus, clubfoot, clubfooted
- knock-knees, knock-knees
- deformities of the thorax (chicken, suture)
What it looks like treatment of postural defects?
After taking a history, the therapist performs a detailed clinical examination. An individual therapy plan is then established. Depending on the age of the patient, the therapy is carried out through play or in a task-based form, often a mixed form. The therapy is often continued with exercises at home. Sometimes the effects of the therapy are better if orthopaedic appliances are used to consolidate the correction.
For whom postural defects?
For children from 2 years.