Karolina Wojciechowska

Hi, my name is Karolina Wojciechowska

Karolina is a neurologist. She has worked for years in a programme helping premature babies and their families, children with developmental disorders. She also provides neurologopaedic care to newborns and infants from the Preadoption Intervention Centre. For years, she has been passionate about accompanying the development of the youngest children. 
Karolina Wojciechowska

Karolina is a neurologist. She has worked for years in a programme helping premature babies and their families, children with developmental disorders. She also provides neurologopaedic care to newborns and infants from the Preadoption Intervention Centre. For years, she has been passionate about accompanying the development of the youngest children. 

Her work is focused on increasing parents' competence in nurturing and supporting their children's development, building healthy and safe relationships. Karolina specialises in early neurological interactions with newborns and infants with oral disorders.


  • Neurologist
  • Feeding therapist
  • Myofunctional therapist

What difficulties are worth reporting to Carolina:

- difficulties with breast/bottle feeding,

- disorders of sucking-swallowing-breathing coordination,

- abnormal breathing pattern - open mouth,

- problems with suffocating, choking when eating,

- Assessment of anatomical conditions in the orofacial area, assessment of the frenulum of the tongue, upper lip,

- selection of feeding accessories,

- positioning for feeding,

- Stimulus processing disorders, infant self-regulation problems,

- difficulties in expanding the diet.

How does Karolina work?

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