
Dyslexia, according to the World Federation of Neurologists, is a disorder that manifests itself difficulty in learning to read and writing, despite the use of standard teaching methods, with an intelligence of at least average level and under favourable socio-cultural conditions. Persons with dyslexia are not uneducated, lazy or less intelligent. On the contrary, they often surpass their peers in intelligence. It is estimated that there are up to four to five children with this disorder in each class.

How do you recognise dyslexia in a child?

In order to support a child's learning process, it is important to have early diagnosis of dyslexia. Symptoms of dyslexia may include:

  • Slow, inaccurate reading: the child reads more slowly than peers, twists words, misses syllables, has difficulty decoding words and 'stammers' when reading.
  • Reading comprehension difficulties: the child does not understand the content of the text read, cannot summarise it or answer questions about the text.
  • Writing difficulties: clumsy writing, different sized letters, omission or doubling of letters, numerous spelling and punctuation errors, poor paragraph organisation.
  • Difficulty in transcribing text: skipping letters, confusing similar letters (b-g, d-b, p-d), writing letters in a mirror image.
  • Poor sequential memory: e.g. the child cannot name the months one by one.
  • Difficulty in learning rhymes and poems.
  • Directional orientation problems: confusion between right and left.
  • Difficulties in learning the hours on a clock.
  • Problems with spatial imagination: difficulties with spatial figures or the number axis.

Children with dyslexia

Psycho-motor development in children with dyslexia

Children with dyslexia They often skip the crawling stage and start talking later. They may be characterised by motor clumsiness, problems with balance, riding a bicycle, tying shoes, fastening buttons or handling cutlery. They often have concentration problems attention span, get tired quickly when learning and get frustrated easily.

Strengths of people with dyslexia

Despite the difficulties, persons with dyslexia have many advantages that we can envy:

  •  Wrasensitivity to the world around them: they are often helpful to people, caring.
  • Curiosity about the world: above-average curiosity.
  •  Thinking in pictures: a rich imagination.
  •  Above-average intuition.

Diagnosis of dyslexia

Dyslexia is most often diagnosed when a child reaches the age of 10, usually in the fourth year of primary school. Parents observing worrying symptoms should see a psychologist who will interview and psychological testing for dyslexia. There are usually two meetings of about 90 minutes each. After analysis of test results and an interview with parents child psychologist prepares a descriptive document or opinion confirming or excluding dyslexia.


How to help a child with dyslexia?

The support of the child by parents and teachers is crucial. Here are some tips:

Organisation of learning: dziecko powinno uczyć się krótko (20-30 minut) z przerwami.

Kolorowe oznaczenia: warto używać kolorów do zaznaczania fragmentów tekstu, strzałek, podkreśleń.

Docenianie wysiłku: chwal dziecko za włożony wysiłek, nie tylko za rezultat.

Unikanie porównań: nie porównuj dziecka z innymi, zauważaj jego postępy

Skuteczne metody wsparcia dla dzieci z dysleksją

Dysleksja jest zaburzeniem, nad którym można pracować, osiągając zadowalające rezultaty. Istotne jest wdrożenie planu wspomagającego funkcjonowanie dziecka w szkole oraz współpraca z psychologiem, logopedą i nauczycielem. Rola rodziców jest nieoceniona – wsparcie, motywacja do nauki i budowanie poczucia własnej wartości są kluczowe. Zapraszamy na konsultację do Kids Medic Children and Youth Therapy Centre in Warsaw, gdzie nasi specjaliści pomogą Twojemu dziecku przezwyciężyć trudności związane z dysleksją.

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